Cross-grain papers

Most papers are sold in long grain format ~ whereby the grain runs parallel with the long edge. Folding such papers in half ~ short-edge-to short-edge ~ means folding across the grain. For example when making an A5 vertical book from everyday A4 sheets of paper.

Bookbinders are aware of the advantages ~ or even essentials ~ of using cross grain formats so that their folios are folded with the grain. It makes for proper working all round ~ and for a better ~ easier ~ lay-flat finish.

In order to save bookcrafters the task of cutting quantities of paper we are offering here a selection of papers which have been cut to give cross-grain sheets. We are listing by the intended finished size and format ~ and hope that we do not cause any confusion. There is no additional charge over that of long-grain papers for the items listed here. We can arrange to cut other sizes than those listed ~ but may have to quote a small extra fee.