Papers suitable for bookcrafts and bookbinding
Nearly all papers are suitable for bookcrafts ~ some are more suitable than others. Our prices are invariably for collect ~ please remember to add postage to your basket before checking out. We wish to avoid duplication of bank charges.
There are more paperslisted in other sections of our shop. Please browse cross-grain papers ~ decorative papers ~ and artists' papers. We also have sections for ready-made folios ~ bookblocks ~ bookcraft kits
In this section we list suitable papers which we have prepared ready for making books and booklets. By cutting and folding sheets we are able to keep packet size ~ delivery costs ~ down.
We use the term 'folio finished to A5' to indicate a sheet of paper which when folded once to give two leaves, or four pages, will be of size A5. Hence an 'folio finished to A5' sheet has an area equivalent to that of an A4 sheet.
A folio also has a hinge, and so all folios ~ other than exactly square ones ~ once folded or finished, have a vertical or horizontal format ~ depending on whether the fold is on a short or long side. Hence FFA5H or FFA5V. An FFA5H folio has the crease on the short edge. For bookbinders the crease must follow the grain. It is not possible to make an FFA5H folio from an A4 plain sheet. The starting point has to be an A3 sheet, from which two FFA5H folios can be produced.
Prices are invariably for single sheets, or single folios. One sheet = two leaves = four sides. 'Pages' is often misunderstood, as exemplified in comments often seen on web-sales pages from grumpy customers ~ 'I expected this book to have 40 pages, it only has 20.' That is why we use the term sides.
Larger sheets are hand-loose-folded ~ or sometimes creased ~ to save postage costs. Details of this are provided on individual items. We also have a section in our catalogue for ready-sewn book-blocks.